I miss a decent computer....
I have actually managed to put some phone-pictures up ontp picasa, and here you go. Much better than that ipad picture stuff. Anyway, sorry about bad quality and spelling, this thing doesn't even have spell check. :p so, this is hownfar Henry has gotten. Looks great doesn't it? Love the colours, but the browns really put me in a murky mood. Hehe. Getit?
Okay, i give in, gonny borrow the computer boyfriend writes his masters on in a minut, stay tuned....
So, in the great detective series here on the blog we have been trying to figure out if my Henry the VIII kit has beads or not. We have gone directly to the source and asked, no answer. We have asked fellow bloggers, fellow stitchers and generally scoured the internet for info. And about 70 % of the information I found said no beads, but some said beads, some places sold the same kit with beads. Colour me confused.
So, I took another look at the kit I have and the clues at my disposal.
In the picture here: It clearly (well not clearly in the picture, but clearly in real life just take my word for it) looks like gold beads in the middle of those Tudor roses.....
In the back of the kit is a (bad) picture of what the kit contains. It contains from left to right floss, aida, instructions in different languages, chart and needle, and on the other side it says "also available" and there are pictures of beads.... You with me? This may mean that you can use beads and also that the how to bead instructions in this kit is valid to put in.
Now, in the tudor rose I showed you before it looked like someone had used beads right? Well in the middle of this portion of the chart there is a black pyramid? Okay, so, lets check the floss keys and see what that means?
I am supposedly to use gold floss number 729 right? But how? Backstitch, 3 strands of floss? French knots? Tell me. SO moving on.
Oh, here are some instructions, the black pyramid is in the second box, and lo and behold, look what it says. It is instructions on how to bead. And that I should use colour 729. It also says what type of beads to use.... But there are no beads I say. Well. I guess this means...
that you CAN use beads, here are how, and which ones to use, we just didn't want to include them, love DMC... And they also failed to include what the pyramid means if you don't want to bead....
I usually love DMC, but if you wanted us to use beads, then please include them... Please.
I have, in my quest for answers found ONE person, who, for some reason used french knots, but in my instructions (see above picture first box) I am only supposed to use french knots on a black star, a pyramid on the side and something that looks not remotely like a pyramid. So, case closed. I will NOT use french knots, I hate french knots. HATE HATE HATE, with a vengeance.
So there, case closed. I will now go and buy myself some beads, and while I am at it, buy something else too, because it does not make any sense to spend more on postage than on my items so, more stash for me, thank you DMC. Really, I am not being sarcastic, thank you, more stash, yay. And thank you, I can now sleep properly not thinking about to bead or not to bead.
Since I have no pictures of bunny on this computer lets end with something else that is nice. Like my favorite song at the moment.....