Saturday, 4 June 2011

Do not fear.

Look, I am making another angel, to make the first one company. A christmas present to my aunt.

I am flipping the image over in my head as I go from the chart. It is not very easy, but really a lot easier than I thought.

And, in the end I will put a bible verse from "The Christmas Evangelium" not sure what it is called in English, please correct me if anyone knows.


Brenna said...

The Nativity of Jesus!

(synes forresten du skal bruke noe fra Luk 2, 10-14 et sted ^^)

Vilje Vanilje said...

Ja, det var akkurat det jeg tenkte. Det kommer til å passe ganske bra.^^ Får se hvor mye plass det blir, så jeg vet hvor mye tekst jeg skal ha med.