Saturday, 16 July 2011

A Birthday Bookmark

I made a Winnie The Poo bookmark for my cousins kid who will turn six in September. He will soon start school, so a bookmark and a cool book will probably be something he will love.

And look my very first tassel. (Out of the scrap floss from the kit). Thank you sewandso for your wonderful sale, everyone will get a kit for Christmas this year;) Kit was from Designer Stitcher and was called "Poo's happy bookmark"
The instructions were quite clear as Poo's eyes look good even though I used french knots...
I think that is the reason why he looks so cute.. The French knots look like exactly that, french knots and not knots upon another knot and a bit of sewing to make it look like an eye and then one eye is a lot bigger than the other and before I know it what looked cute has turned into a monster......

And, curtesy of my friend's mother, (again) I took some of the fabric I got from her and hand sowed it together. At the back it looks awful, but I blame the schoolsystem;) Not enough time to learn to sow. And learning at age 25 how to do these things makes some of my stuff look a bit on the childish side. But, who cares, I get better at it right? And I have a lot of fun (usually before the french knots and backstitch have reared their ugly heads).


Hanne said...

Den ble veldig fin - på begge sider :-)

Vilje Vanilje said...

Takk, takk:)