I love this gorjuss-kiy and I want them all!
I think that frankly this,the item that should be last in my to-do-pile, this thing that is not even a christmas present will be finished first... :O It is such a delight and I just can't help myself.
This is how far I got yesterday. Maybe I will show you how far I get later today.... Just for comparison.... ;)
This is how far I got at night yesterday just right before I went to bed....
Skirt is done.
This is my progress today. I have started a fox! And finally the stupid coat is done. And you hardly see my mistake either so I am not going to tell you what it was. Artistic whatsitcalled. So there. It is great. ;) I do kinda like her. I am certain I am going to miss her in the end.
I absolutely love this (whatever it is)!
I've missed out on alot since I haven't had this blog bookmarked. So this comment is kinda late, but I had to say it :D
I love this too, and I am making one from the series for each one of you, (eventually) so no sneaking;) It is a lady and her three foxes, hum, I think it is about time to have another update on her though, stand by later for it..
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