Monday, 24 August 2015

You´re a winner

I am sorry for being absent for a bit, I know I said I would check who won my giveaway ages ago, but since there was only one applicant  I was waiting to see if anyone else wanted to join, but since there was only one there could only be one winner! So lucky Virpi won and gets to choose which of the three prizes she wants and I will send it to her soon:)

The rest of the gifts (and more) will go in my next giveaway next month when I have my blogoversary, so stay tuned!

I am busy making flowers for the special day and I think I may soon have enough! All the yarn-ends have been voven in finally.

The last side panel of the dress is coming along, and then there is only small adjustments and embellishing left.

And I am busy making decorations, I hope I will have enough time to make the rest, but it won't be the end of the world if I don't finish.

Oh, and happy birthday to my friend, I hope to see you soon!

Virpi send me an email with your address because I forgot.

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