Sunday, 15 September 2013

The tools make the trades

I have a finish. Yeah. And it was a WiSP too. And a Christmas present. 
So my count is now: 3/20 presents completely finished and 4 halfway finished. Can you tell I love presents? And I am going to make something for a little baby I know too that I hope will be sent in time for christmas.... 

 I started to crochet again, a small blanket using leftover yarn. Not very exiting though, but I did find something exiting, I bought new hooks, look how pretty and pink they are? And the best thing is that they don't hurt my arms, so I can crochet for hours. Which is good, since that is what I am doing at work at the moment too. This small blanket is crochet together as I go. I finally figured out how to do that, so I am going to take out a blanket that is still not done, that I started three years ago and finish! (and maybe then I have another present?)
I am trying to make do with the things I already have and finish and give for christmas, saving me money and space to buy new things;)

I hope to get one of those crochet books with several different types of grandma squares, simply because I love to do them, but the regular kind can be a bit boring. I want to make the flower kinds, the eight-sided kinds and really just every kind! And with my new lovely crochet set I can! 

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