So Happy Birthday Mister M! I hope you had a blast even though
we had a slow day at home.
We made sushi and baked a whole cake just for us.
(We did give some to the neighbours.)
I hope you liked your presents. I had fun picking them out.
We have not, we have done some cleaning, clearing the storage a bit, going for a walk and changing the curtains and washing them as you can see in the next picture where Mimle is up to no good.
Mister M's haul.
This weekend we saw three movies, one Finnish/Swedish (hallonbåtsflyktningen), one Swedish (Hundreåringen som klatret ut av vinduet og forsvant) and one Icelandic (Rams). And we laughed a lot on the first two, the third was funny too, but not as funny as the others since there were some sad moments. I would recommend seeing all of them. The Rams one had some gorgeous Icelandic knitted sweaters so if you are a knitting fan I would strongly recommend watching.
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