Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Tuesday Tunes take it all

First it is last weeks single, this is another double sided single and here we finally have the mv.
I love the dance, and C-ute really brings the danceable songs don't they, even I, who never move feel the urge to let loose.
And I like the melody too of course. 

Juice=Juice has another single on the steps, and their musical sound is still mature even if it is less jazzy and more latino this time. It really does remind me of both "Namida no Iro" by C-ute and Morning Musume, (back when they were still just musumes) Iroppoi Jirettai. 
I love this song too, and if I close my eyes to the lyrics it's fine...


【統一協会と安倍晋三】2020年現在、7000人超の日本人慰安婦が韓国に誘拐され強制出産 said...



Vilje Vanilje said...

Hello. I like rabbits too. I've seen that island before. :)