Monday, 14 September 2015


 Since it is a wedding which is a special occasion and I love to make scrapbooks of memories we decided to make the greeting book a bit more complicated.
I have decorated the front and glued (I used up all my glue!) different colored paper and other things we are using for the wedding into the book.
The idea is that the guest write messages in it and later we will add photos of the day in between.
This is something you'd think would not necesarrily take that much time but I spent a few hours happily gluing things onto the pages until the glue was used up. I don't think the guest needs more pages to write on, but if I have enough time, (and glue) I might do the remainder of the pages.

Sorry about the blurry photos, but boyfriend and I had a busy day today and so todays post got a little delayed. (I mean I had to finish the book, or in this case the glue).
 We voted and had a chat with the photographer and managed to squeeze in a shopping trip to buy some of the drinks for the wedding. We were lucky enough to borrow a car while the owner was working so we did as much as we had time for. 

I did decide to bead the neck ruffle, but I decided it needed some blocking first, so I am busy doing that. I hope I can start attaching more beads tomorrow.

But since I couldn't do what I had planned for today, you know the beading, I got a little crazy. Or maybe a lot crazy. A bit too much crazy according to boyfriend.

I have started a (two) shawl(s), and yes, the idea was for the wedding... But I know I am not that crazy and could possibly do only one shawl in time.
But then I would have to make a decision, and you know how good I am with those?

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