Friday, 15 April 2016

A-Z challenge M

M is for magazines

I have lots of magazines, in fact so many that I realised I would probably never stitch them all, so I have started to declutter a bit. 
But I did love to open my mailbox and receive a magazine and flipping through it's pages looking for a design I would like to stitch was the highlight of my week.

The stitching magazines I liked all came from the UK and they were a lot cheaper to subscribe to than buying one now and then. So I have subscribed to The World of Cross-stitching, Cross-stitch crazy, Cross-Stitch Card Shop (now not made anymore) and bought the occasional other magazines like CrossStitcher, Cross Stitch Gold (which has big designs). I have made lots of small cards with the patterns, learnt new techniques, saw new design to add to my to-do-list and found their forum. And on that forum I found some friends more new designers and patterns to do. And I lost my Cross Stitch mojo.
I might subscribe again someday or I might not. But all these magazines were quite good depending on what you might find interesting.

 I could start a new subscription via their app, but there is something so satisfying about a real magazine, I have lots of crochet magazines on my pad and I flip trough them regularly, unfortunately I have had a lot of trouble with the app and am at that point were I would rather just print out all the patterns I might want to do. But I am more an analog than digital girl so you should decide if E-magazines or paper magazines are best for you.

 But I do have almost all of the Simply Crochet magazines on my pad and they do have lots of good patterns, if you crochet I would recommend buying a few magazines. Especially when they are on sale, that is how I got mine^^
I also share some Norwegian magazines with my mother with knitting patterns, crochet patterns and the odd sewing bit, they are sold around holidays and we usually buy them, they are great value for your money and we often make something from them or at least put it on our  ever-growing to-do-lists.
Mimle is helping me destash

This box contains all the patterns I know I would like to do and some I might do for cards for like weddings and birthdays and baby showers or something like that and five magazines where I loved most of the patterns so it seemed like a waste to rip it to pieces. 
My de-stashing was a success I think and now I might actually have a chance at finishing more of these designs.


abetterjulie said...

Just last month, I went through all my magazines and took out all the patterns I thought I might want someday and got rid of the rest of the magazine. It made a big difference in my bookshelf space. I have a three-ring binder to keep the patterns.

Vilje Vanilje said...

Yeah it does make a lot of difference but it is hard because I always think what if I want to make this one day after all. But I know I probobly won't so I should throw them away... Now I just need to buy binders and sort the patterns I have kept.