Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Andre Desember

Drinking my tea, yesterdays tea was very Christmassy with, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg and pomegranate and lemon, todays tea was also green with the same Christmassy things in bold but with melon, orange and anise. I think I like yesterdays better....
I am liking this tea tradition thing. 

I am hoping to finish this hat today, but tradition says that I will sit on Christmas morning making the last of the presents, so we will see. (after all, I have three hats, three wrist warmers, several washing cloths, and perhaps something secret left to do, think I'll make it?)
That is a tradition that I wouldn't mind we didn't keep. But I do love making things and it does make me feel in the spirit.

These two are never in the spirit, they have no idea how to share but the begging for treats is a skill they do possess they just tell me instead of santa.

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