Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Femtende Desember

Today I had an early doctors appointment to take some blood and look at my fingers. They are a lot worse today but it was around minus ten today, but we will see what the blood says.
The tea however was delicious even if the best part was just holding the cup and savouring the heat. Green tea with cinnamon, peppermint, licorice and melon. I wonder if any of the tea's have had the same ingredients in the same quantity yet...

I was ten minutes early for the bus and stood between Christmas trees freezing. Luckily the bus was warm. Then there was more waiting since I took the small bus I was half an hour early, but after waiting for over an hour I went and talked to the receptionist, and apparently my doctor didn't see me and I didn't hear him call my name. I did get to have my appointment though, but I was tired of waiting by then. Luckily I only had to wait ten minutes for my bus again and since that bus comes only once an hour I consider that quite lucky.

This little fella is not so lucky. At the moment he hates me, since I stepped on his fur whilst walking back to the bedroom last night in the dark. But I mean, who can see this little dude in the dark? He seems fine, a bit skittish, he takes his treats and runs. That is normal, he runs from Mimle, but he has now started running from me...:( Guess I need quite a lot of presents and treats to make up for it.

The vet on the phone said to just keep an eye on him, yes I called. So I might not be the worst bunny parent ever, but I do think he needs neon coloured fur, anyone have a can?

Mimle says hi, she can now take selfies.

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